Slovenská ekonomická spoločnosť


Call for Papers

Slovak Economic Association Meeting (SEAM 2025)

in cooperation with the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra

Nitra, September 11-12, 2025

The Slovak Economic Association (SEA) is soliciting submissions for its 2025 annual conference. Research papers from all fields of economics and finance are welcome.

Keynote speakers

Jan van Ours
Jan C. van Ours
Erasmus University
Johan Swinnen
Johan F. M. Swinnen
KU Leuven and
International Food Policy
Research Institute

Submission Procedure

Please submit a paper in pdf format by June 15, 2025, via the conference submission system. Decisions about acceptance will be communicated by July 14, 2025. The conference will be held in English. Proposals for complete sessions dedicated to specific topics are welcome.

SEA Award for Young Economists

The Slovak Economic Association will award a prize of €500 to the best paper authored by economist(s) who are 35 or younger. In case of joint papers, all co-authors have to fulfil this condition. Only papers presented at the conference will be considered for the Award. Authors who wish to be considered for the SEA Award for Young Economists must indicate this in the submission process.

Women in Slovak Economics (WISE)

The conference will feature a special session organized by an initiative within SEA – Women in Slovak Economics. It will be a panel discussion entitled ‘Empowered to Lead: Gender and Success in Research Funding’.


The regular registration fee is € 50. The fee is waived for SEA members and students. Participants will have to make their own arrangements for travel and accommodation.
Non-presenting participants are also welcome.
All participants need to register via the online form before August 1, 2025.

Contact Address:

Scientific Committee

Zuzana Fungáčová (chair)
Bank of Finland

Eduard Baumöhl
University of Economics in Bratislava and IER SAS

Andrej Cupák
National Bank of Slovakia and EUBA

Jana Fidrmuc
Warwick Business School

Jarko Fidrmuc
Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen

Július Horváth
Central European University

Martin Kahanec
Central European University and CELSI

Richard Kališ
University of Economics in Bratislava

Martin Lábaj
University of Economics in Bratislava

Mikuláš Luptáčik
WU Wien

Jana Péliová
University of Economics in Bratislava

Ján Pokrivčák
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra

Andrej Svorenčík
University of Pennsylvania

Martin Šuster
Council for Budget Responsibility

Sofia Karina Trommlerová
Comenius University Bratislava

Tomáš Výrost
University of Economics in Bratislava and IER SAS

Organizing Committee

Drahoslav Lančarič (chair)
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra

Eduard Baumöhl
University of Economics in Bratislava and IER SAS

Richard Kališ
University of Economics in Bratislava

Tomáš Michalička
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra

Marián Tóth
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra

Tomáš Výrost
University of Economics in Bratislava and IER SAS

PDF version of this Call for Papers